In compliance with the Florida Administrative Procedures Act, and §190.012, Florida Statutes, the District 6 Board of Supervisors announces it has adopted/amended its Rule for the following:
Village Community Development District No. 6 ("District") has amended and restated Chapter II of its rules establishing The Rule To Bring About Deed Compliance ("Rule") within the boundaries Of the District.
The purpose of the Rule is to adopt those deed restrictions pertaining to the external use, appearance, and operation of real property deemed by the District to be generally beneficial for the District’s landowners for which enforcement by the District is appropriate. The Rule also establishes certain guidelines, operating policies and procedures, compliance mechanisms, and a schedule of fines correlated to the costs associated with the deed compliance process relating to the enforcement of the adopted deed restrictions within the District. The Rule provides for the health, safety, welfare, and value to the landowners of the District.
The Amendment and restatement of the Rule:
- Establishes procedures for concerns received regarding business operations from a homesite / lot that affect the external use and appearance of that homesite / lot.
- Establishes a fines schedule for those properties found in violation.
LEGAL AUTHORITY: §190.012, Florida Statutes.
ECONOMIC IMPACT: Budget impact will be dependent on the number of concerns received, processed, and the number of public hearings conducted.
A copy of the final Rule may be obtained by contacting the District Clerk’s office, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 352-751-3939. You may also visit the District office at 984 Old Mill Run, The Villages, FL 32162. The final adopted Rule may be accessed online with the link provided below:
District 6 Adopted Rules