The Villages beautiful Lake Sumter

Frequently Asked Questions

We have answers to common questions about your water and sewer service.


A List of Frequently Asked QuestionsHow often am I billed for water/sewer service?
You are billed monthly for your water/sewer usage. Click here to see a sample bill.

How often are meters read?
Residential and commercial accounts are read approximately every 29-32 days.

What are the base charges that appear on my bill?
This charge represents the cost of providing utilities (water and wastewater services) in a ready state for use, regardless of whether the service is used during that time. Among these costs are meter reading, managing customer accounts and maintaining facilities.

What is the tiered structure that appear on my bill?
Each utility uses a tiered rating structure, which means that what you pay for water and sewer services increases as your usage increases.

What happens if my bill is not paid by the due date?
Please note the due date on your bill is generated based upon the cycle they are read. You and your neighbor may have different due dates. If your bill is not paid by the due date shown on the bill, you are delinquent, your service may be disconnected, and a late fee of 5% will be applied.

Could my high water bill be due to a plumbing problem.
The customer is responsible for fixing leaks and plumbing problems from the meter to the home or business plumbing system. The customer is also responsible for paying for the costs of water and sewer associated with these types of leaks.

Where do I call for utilities line location before I dig?
Digging in unmarked ground is very dangerous. Call 8-1-1 for free line location service 72 hours before you dig. Within 72 hours, electric, gas, water, wastewater, cable television and telephone lines buried on your property will be marked so you can dig safely.

If I have a pool or hot tub is there a re-filling discount on my water and sewer charges.
Each homeowner is responsible for paying for all water consumption that passes through the meter. Discounts are not offered on filling or refilling pools or hot tubs.

Ways I can pay my bill?

For your convenience, we offer several ways to pay your water/sewer service bill:

By phone - You can pay over the phone using a MasterCard , American Express or Discover card by calling 352-750-000, Monday - Friday, except holidays from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST.

Online - Click here to pay your bill online using our convenient and secure online bill payment service.

In person - You can visit us at District Customer Service, 984 Old Mill Run, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST

By Drop Box - a VCDD drop box is located at every Village postal station.

My water was shut off and I can't pay my bill. What can I do to have service restored?
If you are having difficulty please contact one of our customer service representatives to discuss you bill.

Will I have to pay to have my service reconnected if it is cut off due to non-payment?
Yes, you must pay the balance owed which includes the disconnect/ reconnection fee. The fee varies if disconnect/reconnect is performed during either business or after hours Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

How do I change my address for billing purposes?
You can email your change of address information to Please make sure to identify your utility company name: Little Sumter Service Area, Village Center Service Area, North Sumter County Utility Dependent District, or Central Sumter Utility AND your account number. You can also submit the address change by completing the change of address section on the back of your payment stub and submitting it with your payment.

If my service is cut off and I pay my bill, how soon will service be reconnected?
Service is generally restored within 1 hour of receipt of payment. Please be advised that all taps should be in the off position. Service staff will not restore service if water taps in the on position are detected within or outside the home. You should also secure all animals.

How do I determine if I have a leak?
Make sure all the water is off in your home (no washing machine or dishwashers running). Go out to your water meter in the ground, remove the lid and see if the dial is moving. If the dial moves at all, and you are sure no water on your property is on, then there is a leak somewhere in your plumbing between where it starts at the meter and your home.

How do I report a leaky or broken meter?
Call Customer Service at 352-750-000 or email

What should a customer do when a sewage backup occurs in the home/yard, etc.?
If you experience a sewage backup, you should contact our Customer Service Center for assistance at 352-750-0000, if this occurs before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. or on the weekend, contact Community Watch at 352-753-0550 so a technician can be dispatched.

Who is responsible for cleaning up sewage spills, overflows and etc.?
Spills on private property or inside a private building are the responsibility of the property owner. Spills that occur due to intentional or unintentional diversion of flow from a sanitary or combined sewer collection and transmission system are the utilities' responsibility.

What is a work order service request?
The work order’s service request is a document that is generated by our customer service center to assist with one issue, problem, or question relating to a sanitary and combined sewer or storm water system. The work order request is design to capture the caller contact information, concerns of the caller, and results of the assessment.

What happens when I request a work order service from the Utility Department?
When you contact our customer service center, a customer service representative will enter your concerns into a database for tracking purposes. A service request will be generated and a technician will be dispatched to investigate the issues. Work orders are prioritized and results are usually completed within 5 business days for non-emergency issues.

How are repair requests prioritized?
Requests are prioritized based on three criteria: public health and/or safety, environmental impact, and severity of the problem requiring repair.

What are issues that the Department does not address?
Some of the problems that don't qualify for repair are:- Broken or leaking gutters and downspouts.- Low spots between homes or properties where water stands. Assessments or fixing irrigations timers, systems or home plumbing.

Still need help?
We are here to help. E-mail us at or call Customer Service at 352-750-0000.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.  Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Public Records Custodian Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Please forward requests to:
Jennifer Farlow, District Clerk
984 Old Mill Run
The Villages, Florida 32162
Phone No. (352) 751-3939
Fax No. (352) 753-6430

or click the link below to file your request electronically.

     Public Records Requests

Please Note Florida law prohibits the Board of Supervisors from communicating with residents about Deed Compliance or Architectural Review issues/cases.  Please contact the Community Standards Department directly at to report any concerns you might have.