Lifestyle Events
Welcome to the Recreation Departments’ Lifestyle Events page! Our Department’s efforts are to promote and offer a variety of enjoyable, fun, engaging
recreational experiences in your hometown – The Villages.
Lifestyle events, scheduled throughout the year, are usually large scale special events offered at various recreation centers and locations in the community. The
wide variety of events, from world class competitive sports such as Softball and Pickleball to 5K road races, captures the spirit of the active lifestyle here in The
Villages. Other Lifestyle events include our intergenerational Camp Villages program with residents and their visiting grandchildren, Senior Games, Christmas
Parade, Arts and Crafts Shows, Expos, Seminars, Tournaments and more.
We have residents take advantage of these additional opportunities to get involved with our Department and get the most out of your Villages Lifestyle. For event
and registration information, read the Villages Recreation News and Daily Sun or stop by your nearest recreation center.
If you have any questions regarding Lifestyle events, please contact Lisa Parkyn, Lifestyle Events Coordinator at 352-753-1716; Pam Henry, Recreation
Manager-Resident Lifestyles at 352-674-1800; or email us at