A major component of service provided by the Utilities Department is the risk assessment involving waterborne contaminants through natural or manmade means. It is our responsibility to provide guidance and assistance to prevent exposure to drinking water contaminants that could present a threat to our resident’s health.
Water suppliers are required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to notify customers to boil water when conditions exist that may cause the water supply to be vulnerable to the potential for contamination.
A Precautionary Boil Water Notice (PBWN) is a form of notification that advises customers to boil tap water used for drinking, cooking and ice-making until tests verify the water is safe.
The determination that the water is safe is a process through which the Utility Operations and Maintenance Contractor sends water samples to a State Certified Water Testing Lab and receives a report back stating that the water samples meet all federal and state regulations. The precautionary boil water notice would then be rescinded by notifying all affected residents.
There are no Precautionary Boil Water Notices for VCSA at this time.
There are no Precautionary Boil Water Notices for LSSA at this time.
There are no Precautionary Boil Water Notices for NSU at this time.
There are no Precautionary Boil Water Notices for CSU at this time.
February 13, 2025
For the following addresses only:
5099 Francis Loop
5094 Weinsheimer Court
5113-5145 Horsford Path
A Precautionary Boil Water Notice has been issued for the South Sumter Utility Service Area (SSU) due to a water main break for the above referenced locations only.
By Authority of Section 381.006 and 403.855-857, Florida Statutes, the following procedures must be observed while a Precautionary Boil Water Notice is in effect.
As a precaution, all water used for handwashing, drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, cooking, and washing dishes be boiled briskly for one (1) minute prior to use. All ice cubes should be discarded and only boiled water be used for making ice. As an alternative, bottled water can be used.
This Precautionary Boil Water Notice will remain in effect until the problem has been corrected and bacteriological tests show that the water is safe. This usually consists of a two-day sampling period to insure safe drinking water.
If you have any questions, you may contact District Utility Customer Service at 352-750-0000, Mon through Fri. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm or the Water Plant Operator at 352-259-2802 or 352-547-7089 after hours and on weekends.
There are no Precautionary Boil Water Notices for GPU at this time.
An incident that requires a Precautionary Water Boil Notice (PBWN) may include a water line break, a problem at a water plant, a new connection to an existing line, or shutting off the water and turning it back on. If an incident occurs, the District will post the PBWN on the District website.
If an incident occurs, the District will send an e-Notification to residential and commercial customers that have signed up to receive them.
For incidents impacting less than 300 residents, the District Operations and Maintenance Contractor will place a door hanger on the front door of homes that are affected.
For incidents impacting more than 300 residents, the District Operations and Maintenance Contractor will place signs at the entrances to streets or villages affected.The District will also send an eNotification to residential and commercial customers that have signed up to receive them
For information on what to do during and after a Precautionary Boil Water Advisory, please click here.
To receive precautionary boil water notices delivered to your inbox, sign up for eNews. After adding the required contact information, find the Precautionary Boil Water Notification category and check the appropriate utility that services your property.
If an incident occurs within your utility, you will be notified of the situation and the property addresses affected by the incident.
The County Sheriff’s Offices also offer emergency notifications. Please click below to visit their websites for more information on how to sign up.
Florida has a very broad Public Records Law. Most written communications to or from State and Local Officials regarding State or Local business are public records available to the public and media upon request.
To submit a digital request please click below:
Or, please forward requests to:
Jennifer Farlow, District Clerk
3571 Kiessel Road, The Villages, FL 32163
Phone No. (352) 751-3939 | Fax No. (352) 753-6430
Florida law prohibits the Board of Supervisors from communicating with residents about Deed Compliance or Architectural Review issues/cases.
To report any concerns, please submit a digital request or contact the Community Standards Department directly at: DeedCompliance@DistrictGov.org
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.